Monday, October 22, 2012

My list

Here is my list of new things to try so far.  Some are exciting, some are more laid back, and some might even be considered dumb but still things I want to try.  I will document them and post about how the experience went.  I will add to the list but I want ideas too.  Toss some my way!

-make a blog (done haha)
-exercise for 3 months (5 days a week)
-take a pottery class
-take a drawing class to up my skills
-take vocal lessons
-make my own cheese
-ride on a airboat
-take a photography class
-spent the night in a haunted house
-take archery
-learn to knit
-go caving
-visit the everglades
-walk across hot coals
-go sailing
-SCUBA in the ocean
-take a dance class with hubby
-take an African dance class
-attend an opera
-take a fencing class
-take a painting class
-take a tennis lesson
-go to a live taping of something
-try a zumba class
-touch a shark (gotta face your fears right)
-get gun license
-visit a shooting range
-do one of those mud runs
-take surfing lessons
-attend a culture festival
-make homemade marshmallows
-try out for a play at the community playhouse
-swim with the manatees
-polar plunge
-skydive experience in Orlando
-take a pole dancing class
-visit an island
-get my legs waxed
-go to the roller derby
-go to a dog show
-attend a farmers market
-photo scavenger hunt
-try bacon icecream
-learn to use my sewing machine
-visit a chiropractor
-attend a MAJOR sporting event
-plant a tree
-take family to washington DC
-retake violin lessons
-learn the mandolin
-learn the cello
-stand up for a cause
-visit Grand Canyon
-ride donkey down grand canyon
-raft in the grand canyon
-go on a vacation completely planned by the kids
-remarry the man I love on a beach somewhere
-tell someone off
-own a pair cowgirl boots
-go line dancing
-stay the night in a hotel alone

What am I doing here?

So I guess the right thing to do is start this blog off with my intent.  I am a stay at home mom.  I have been for 8 years.  I have 3 kids, the older 2 of which, are in school.  My youngest just turned 1.  I LOVE these guys and wouldn't changed anything about them or the fact that I am with them everyday. I had my first child at the age of 20.  Pregnant at 19.  I went from living with my Mom to living with my husband.  This might sound like a sob story but believe me it's not.  I love my life.  I have the best husband and the best kids imaginable! I was and am truly blessed.  However, I went from being a kid to being an parent and wife. I didn't get that me or "self discovery" time that people get when they move out and live on their own for awhile.  Neither did my husband since he is younger than me.  There are days where I get depressed and feel like other than being a mom I have nothing to give to the world.  All I know about me is that I am a mom.  But kids grow up, they move out and you are on your own.  What than?  Who are you than?  No one.  I am no one because for 8 years all I have been is a Mom. I take care of the kids, I worry about the kids, I cook for the kids, I clean for the kids, I nurse them, I feed them, I read to them, I parent them.  They are my world and that's great.  I am a good mom. I am good to them.  But in that process, I lost myself.  Aside from the kids and being a wife, what do I do?  What are my interests?  What do I like to do for fun?  I don't know.    I honestly have no idea.  I crochet a bit, a like to read and bake.  Are these passions?  Not really.  Just time fillers.  What are my passions?  thinking.... thinking...... thinking........ I got nothing.  What are my talents?  I'm a nice person.  That's about it.  So, I've made bucket lists,  and made talked about things that might be fun to do but nothing ever gets done. I've read ideas to try new things and learn new talents but I still sit on my butt reading about ideas. So I am deciding to put things into action.  I am not going to wait till I am older to do bucket list items or wait for the right time to do something, because the right time will never come.  I am now on a journey to explore, to learn, and discover.  New talents, new ideas, new places..  time to find out who I am.  Join me on my journey.  Give me ideas! <3